Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Everything about affordable web hosting

A Short affordable web hosting Summary

Reaping the Podcast Rewards

Thu, 29 May 2008 16:37:04 GMT
Getting started with podcasting is a relatively inexpensive venture. The equipment and software required for podcasting is inexpensive for a business contemplating podcasting as a new marketing and communication adventure.

Earlier this year, the company acquired clients from US host Stargate and midPhase Services Inc.’s Shared and Virtual Private Server businesses. UK-2 Group has been a significant player in the British and European hosting markets for many years, and recently underwent a large restructure, making important organizational changes in readiness for customer growth plans and challenging the bigger hosting brands. UK-2 is one of the largest domain registrars in the UK having registered over 1 million domain names.

AffiliateReward Goodness

Sat, 01 Dec 2007 00:00:41 +0000
I am pleased to announce that the Site5 AffiliateRewards program just got better.. in fact, it’s now 325% better! Effective immediately, future commissions earned from affiliate sales/referrals are now worth an incredible $85 each! Full changes are listed below:
Payout Levels

For your initial account referrals, you will receive $85.00 each.
If you refer 20 ...]

Two other sites of mine were down and their IP’s gone.

When I contacted the support of managemybox servers

they replied within 15 minutes, compliments for the good

timing. But I am still waiting to see my sites and their IP

addresses fixed, several hours afterwards now.

So what’s a web hosting sitebuilder to do? I know you’re out there so please speak up and liberate us from the prospect of buying a bad domain.

Keeping in mind the important points about affordable web hosting, we hope this article on affordable web hosting proves to be very informative to you. Use these points well.

Compusa (Systemax, Inc.)
Click Enterprise

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